Lyme Disease Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms People From The Northeast U.S., Are You Aware That Lyme Disease Can Only Be Accurately Diagnosed By Symptoms?

People from the Northeast U.S., are you aware that Lyme disease can only be accurately diagnosed by symptoms? - lyme disease diagnosis more condition_symptoms

I would urge all to recognize the symptoms. I) had nerve pain, swelling, dizziness, cognitive impairment (mild, neck pain, joint pain, cramps, sore throat, pain in the ear, the sensitivity of a slight rash and healthy, light (which is not typical) goal. Many tests negative for Lyme. My diagnosis of fibromyalgia was 1.5 years. It is a symptom, not a disease until 4 years to the test. Hold on, not your head. It is easy to treat. If anyone had a similar experience? In many places, and the doctors say more false positives than negatives. I wonder? I have sores in the mouth from time to time, and I know that a lot of other people. This can cause a false negative. Until I finally got a positive work after 1.5 years of pain and no.


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