How Can Give Myself A Wedgie In My Room What Kind Of Wedgie Should I Give Myself?

What kind of wedgie should I give myself? - how can give myself a wedgie in my room

I dared my machine full of clothes, then give me a song on Sunday. What should it be? There must be something I can do for me. No one else can see and can be a bit uncomfortable, because there is more space. :)


yrouiher... said...

Write wedgie every time they reach S / A.

CuriousJ... said...

Attach the top of the back of the underwear to a cable Bungie. Find the nearest bridge to ensure, that:

a.) The Bridge at least 100 meters high
b.) No boat under the bridge

Place the end of the cord without underwear Bungie safely to the railing of the bridge. Take a deep breath, jump, and get ready for your rights violated by the quantum leap from the strength of your Bungie Fruit of the Loom.

* EDIT: Wait, do not work when the feet first jump *

Michael H said...

OMG your curiousj edit your answer me laugh so much ... wow, my face is warm now from laughing.

But your question ... a man.

FreedomF... said...

Why do you want to give you a wedgie lol so stupid, but is a bit weird lol

Lisa S said...

Lol .... it's hilarious! Thanks for the laugh, really ... Good luck with that:)

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