People from the Northeast U.S., are you aware that Lyme disease can only be accurately diagnosed by symptoms? - lyme disease diagnosis more condition_symptoms
I would urge all to recognize the symptoms. I) had nerve pain, swelling, dizziness, cognitive impairment (mild, neck pain, joint pain, cramps, sore throat, pain in the ear, the sensitivity of a slight rash and healthy, light (which is not typical) goal. Many tests negative for Lyme. My diagnosis of fibromyalgia was 1.5 years. It is a symptom, not a disease until 4 years to the test. Hold on, not your head. It is easy to treat. If anyone had a similar experience? In many places, and the doctors say more false positives than negatives. I wonder? I have sores in the mouth from time to time, and I know that a lot of other people. This can cause a false negative. Until I finally got a positive work after 1.5 years of pain and no.
Lyme Disease Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms People From The Northeast U.S., Are You Aware That Lyme Disease Can Only Be Accurately Diagnosed By Symptoms?
2:57 AM
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